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Randoseru Collection

Randoseru is a school bag used by Japanese elementary school students. 
Since 1949, we have been making randoseru at our own Nara factory.

{"default":"randoseru in lavender, mint blue, camel, cherry pink"}

What is randoseru?

You can learn about Randoseru summary here.
Learn more
{"default":"randoseru in lavender, mint blue, camel, cherry pink"}

Color Choices

The color of a randoseru is another critical factor in the selection process. Traditional colors like black for boys and red for girls. However, modern trends have introduced a variety of colors, including navy blue and moss green, vibrant hues like pink, orange and even pastel shades.

The choice of color can reflect a child's personality and preferences, allowing them to express themselves through their randoseru. 
Pink Randoseru
Here we introduce our pink Randoseru line.
See the page 
Red Randoseru
Here we introduce our red Randoseru lineup.
See the page

Related Colums

What is randoseru?
You can learn about Randoseru summary here.
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How much leather is used for one randoseru?
You can learn about how to make randoseru from real leather.
See detail
Factory Tour
We offer an unforgettable factory tour experience that goes beyond just observing from a distance.
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